
dui faqs

What Questions Should I Ask a DUI Lawyer in Arizona? Essential Preparation Guide for Attorney Consultations

Facing a DUI charge in Arizona can be scary and confusing. Finding the right attorney to defend you is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your future. Before you hire someone, it's crucial to prepare for your initial consultations by knowing what questions to ask.

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dui faqs

Prescription Drug DUI Laws in Arizona

It’s easy to think that driving after taking your regular prescriptions is something that you can’t get in trouble for. After all, they were prescribed by a doctor for a reason, right? It will come to the flagstaff of many that this is actually not the case in Arizona.

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drinking and driving

The Effects of an Arizona DUI Conviction on Your Insurance Rates

Arizona has some of the toughest drinking and driving laws in the country, and most people know that drinking and driving can result in serious negative consequences. However, this often does not deter people from taking the risk.

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underage drinking

How Can an Underage Drinking Conviction Can Affect Your Life?

Underage drinking is not a rare occurrence by any means, and there can be a plethora of consequences for those involved. Underage drinking can have an impact on your immediate health, physical health, your relationships, future, finances, and youth. Just one incident can have life altering consequences.

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Extreme DUI in Arizona

Arizona is known to have extremely strict and dynamic DUI laws. At its base, there are four ways an individual can commit DUI found in Arizona Statute § 28-1381.
From there, a number of factors can affect the punishment, sentencing, and gravity of the crime.

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